Everything you need to know about Productivity with CADD

Productivity with CADD


CADD software continues to improve in various ways. CADD programs are easier to use than ever before and contain multiple tools and options, allowing you to produce better quality and more accurate drawings in less time. CADD multiplies productivity several times for many duties, especially for multiple and time-consuming tasks. A great advantage of CADD is that it increases the time available to designers and drafters for creativity by reducing the time they spend on the actual preparation of drawings.

As CADD applications improve, the traditional requirements of a drafter often become less important, while the ability to use new CADD software and application-specific tools increases. Productivity gains realized by the use of CADD tools are directly related to the proper use of those tools. In the constantly changing CADD world, you must be prepared to learn new drafting tools and techniques and be open to attending classes, seminars, and workshops on a regular basis.

Design Planning

Some of the most important and productive time you can spend working on any project or drawing is the time you use to plan. Always plan your work carefully before you begin to use the tools required to create the drawing. A design plan involves thinking about the entire process or project in which you are involved, and it determines how you approach a project.

A design plan focuses on the content you want to present, the objects and symbols you intend to create, and the appropriate use of standards. You may want processes to happen immediately or to be automatic, but if you hurry and do little or no planning, then you may become frustrated and waste time while designing and drafting. Take as much time as needed to develop design and project goals to proceed confidently.

Consider creating a planning sheet during your early stages of CADD training, especially for your first few assignments. A planning sheet should document all aspects of a design and the drawing session. A sketch of the design is also a valuable element of the planning process. A design plan and sketch help you establish the following:

  • The drawing drafting layout: area, number of views, and required free space.
  • Drafting settings: units, drawing aids, layers, and styles.
  • How and when to perform specific tasks.
  • What objects and symbols to create?
  • The best use of CADD and equipment.
  • An even workload.


Ergonomics is the science of adapting the work environment to suit the needs of the worker. There is concern about the effects of the CADD working environment on the individual worker. Some studies have found that people should not work at a computer workstation for longer than about four hours without a break. Physical problems, ranging from injury to eyestrain, can develop when someone is working at a poorly designed CADD workstation. The most common injuries are repetitive motion disorders, also known as repetitive strain injury (RSI), repetitive movement injury (RMI), cumulative trauma disorder (CTD), and occupational overuse syndrome (OOS). Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common repetitive motion disorder. Most computer-related injuries result from the sedentary nature of working at a computer and the fast, repetitive hand and finger motions typical while using keyboards and pointing devices. Proper workstation ergonomics, good posture, and frequent exercise help to prevent most computer-related injuries.

Ergonomic Workstations

cad workstations The figure shows an ergonomically designed workstation. In general, a workstation should be designed so you sit with your feet flat on the floor, your calves perpendicular to the floor, and your thighs parallel to the floor. Your back should be straight, your forearms should be parallel to the floor, and your wrists should be straight. For some people, the keyboard should be either adjustable or separate from the computer to provide more flexibility. The keyboard should be positioned, and arm or wrist supports can be used to reduce elbow and wrist tension. In addition, when the keys are depressed, a slight sound should be heard to ensure the key has made contact. Ergonomically designed keyboards are available.

The monitor should be 18″-28″, or approximately one arm’s length, away from your head. The screen should be adjusted to 158-308 below your horizontal line of sight. Eyestrain and headache can be a problem with extended use. If the position of the monitor is adjustable, you can tilt or turn the screen to reduce glare from overhead or adjacent lighting. Some users have found that a small amount of background light is helpful. Monitor manufacturers offer large, flat, nonglare screens that help reduce eyestrain. Some CADD users have suggested changing screen background and text colors weekly to give variety and reduce eyestrain. The chair should be designed for easy adjustments to give you optimum comfort. It should be comfortably padded. Your back should be straight or up to 108 back, your feet should be flat on the floor, and your elbow-to-hand movement should be horizontal when you are using the keyboard, mouse, or digitizer. The mouse or digitizer puck should be close to the monitor so movement is not strained and equipment use is flexible. You should not have to move a great deal to look directly over the cursor to activate commands.

Positive work habits

In addition to an ergonomically designed workstation, your own personal work habits can contribute to a healthy environment. Try to concentrate on good posture until it becomes second nature. Keeping your feet flat on the floor helps improve posture. Try to keep your stress level low because increased stress can contribute to tension, which can aggravate physical problems. Take breaks periodically to help reduce muscle fatigue and tension. You should consult with your doctor for further advice and recommendations.


If you feel pain and discomfort associated with computer use, stretching exercises can help. The figure shows exercises that can help reduce workstation-related problems. Some people have also had success with yoga, biofeedback, and massage. Consult with your doctor for advice and recommendations before starting an exercise program.

Other Factors

A plotter makes some noise and is best located in a separate room next to the workstation. Some companies put plotters in a central room, with small office workstations around them. Others prefer to have plotters near the individual workstations, which acoustical partition walls or partial walls can surround. Air-conditioning and ventilation systems should be designed to accommodate the computers and equipment. Carpets should be antistatic. Noise should be kept to a minimum.

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Everything you need to know about Solid Modelling techniques

Solid Modeling techniques

What are the basics of solid modelling?

Each solid modeling software offers unique methods for creating and working with solid models. Simple solid modelling programs allow you to build models using solid primitives, which are objects such as boxes, cones, spheres, and cylinders that you combine, subtract, and edit to produce a final model. The process of adding and subtracting primitive shapes is known as a Boolean operation in geometry (see Figure). Boolean operations also apply to more complex solid models defined by features and surfaces.

In contrast to modelling with solid primitives, feature-based solid modelling programs allow you to construct solid models using more intuitive feature tools. A feature often begins with a 2-D sketch, followed by a sketched feature such as extrusion or revolution created from the sketch. Additional features include adding or subtracting solid material to generate a final model. Many feature-based solid modelling programs are highly sophisticated and include many advanced tools and functions that significantly automate the design and documentation process. Parametric solid models are the most common models created using feature-based solid modelling software. Parametric refers to the method of using parameters and constraints to drive object size and location to produce designs with features that adapt to changes made to other features. Some solid modelling programs generate nonparametric solids, known as basic solids or dumb solids.

Solid modeling Feature-based solid modelling programs often maintain a history of the modelling process, which typically appears in a feature tree or history tree (see Figure). History-based solid modelling is most often associated with parametric solid modelling. The software stores and manages all model data, including calculations, sketches, features, dimensions, geometric parameters, the sequence in which each piece of the model was created, and all other model history and properties.

Parametric Solid Modeling

parametric solid modeling One of the most common 3-D solid modelling techniques is feature-based, parametric solid modelling. Autodesk Inventor, Pro/Engineer, NX, and SolidWorks are examples of feature-based, parametric solid modeling. Many parametric solid modeling programs are surprisingly similar in the way they function. In fact, once you learn the basic process of creating a model using specific software, you can usually transition to different parametric solid modeling software.

Parametric design tools allow you to assign parameters or constraints to objects. Parameters are geometric characteristics and dimensions that control model geometry’s size, shape, and position. A database stores and allows you to manage all parameters. Parametric design is also possible with some 2-D CADD programs. The parametric concept, also known as intelligence, provides a way to associate objects and limit design changes. You cannot change a constraint so that it conflicts with other parametric geometry. Parameters aid the design and revision process, place limits on geometry to preserve design intent, maintain relationships between objects, and help form geometric constructions.

model work environments Parameters are added by using geometric constraints and dimensional constraints. Geometric constraints, also known as relations, are characteristics applied to restrict the size or location of geometry. Dimensional constraints are measurements that numerically control the size or location of geometry. Well-defined constraints allow you to incorporate and preserve specific design intentions and increase revision efficiency. For example, if the two holes through the bracket shown in the Figure must always be the same size, then geometric constraints must be used to make the holes equal, and dimensional constraints must be used to size one of the holes. The size of both holes changes when you modify the dimensional constraint values.

  • Model Work Environments

part model
subassembly model
cad assembly model

Parametric solid modelling software often includes several work environments and unique file types for different applications. A part file allows you to create a part model, such as the engine block shown in Figure. A part is an item, product, or element of an assembly. Some systems include separate files or work environments for specialized part modelling and related applications, such as sheet metal part design, surface modelling, analysis and simulation, and rendering.

An assembly file allows you to reference component files to build an assembly model. Components are the parts and subassemblies used to create an assembly. A subassembly is an assembly that is added to another assembly. The figure shows an engine subassembly that references the engine block part shown in Figure.

  • Part Model Elements

part model element Part models allow you to design parts, build assembly models, and prepare part drawings. A part model begins as a sketch or group of sketches used to construct a feature. Add features as necessary to create the final part model. Primary part model features include sketched, placed, work, catalogue, and patterned features. Develop additional model elements, such as surfaces, as needed to build a part model.

Every part model usually contains at least one sketch and at least one sketched feature. A sketch is a 2-D or 3-D geometry that provides the profile or guide for developing sketched features (see Figure). A parametric sketch includes geometric constraints that define common geometric constructions such as two perpendicular lines, concentric circles, equal-sized objects, or a line tangent to a circle. Dimensional constraints specify the size and location of sketch objects. Examples of sketched features built from a sketch include extrusions, revolutions, sweeps, and lofts. Normally, the initial feature on which all other features are built, known as the base feature, is a sketched feature, such as the extrusion shown in Figure.

Adding placed features requires specifying size dimensions and characteristics and selecting a location, such as a point or an edge. No sketch is necessary. You typically use a dialogue box or other on-screen tool to describe size data. The figure shows two of the most commonly placed features: chamfers and fillets. Placed features are also known as built-in, added, or automated features. Shells, threads, and face drafts are other examples of placed features.

  • Assembly Modeling

assembly modeling One option for developing an assembly is to insert existing components into an assembly file and then assemble the components with constraints or mates. This is an example of a process that some designers refer to as bottom-up design, and it is appropriate if all or most components already exist. Depending on your approach and the complexity of the assembly, you can insert all components before applying constraints, as shown in Figure. A common alternative is to insert and constrain one or two components at a time.

Another option is to create new components within an assembly file or in place. This is an example of a process that some designers refer to as top-down design. Both assembly techniques are effective, and a combination of methods is common. However, for some applications, developing components in place is faster, easier, and more productive. Developing components in an assembly file usually creates an assembly and a separate part or assembly file for each component.

constrained assembly Once you insert or create assembly components, the typical next step is to add assembly constraints, also known as mates. Assembly constraints establish geometric relationships and positions between components, define the desired movement between components, and identify relationships between the transitioning path of a fixed component and a component moving along the path. There are multiple types of assembly constraints, such as a mate or similar constraint that mates two or a combination of component faces, planes, axes, edges, or points. Component geometry and design requirements determine the required constraints.

  • Editing Parametric Solid Models

solid models The parametric nature of parametric solid modelling software allows you to edit model parameters anytime during the design process. You can manipulate parameters assigned to sketch and feature geometry, parts, and assemblies to explore alternative design options or to adjust a model according to new or different information. The model stores all of the data used to build the model. Often, modifying a single parameter is all that is required to revise a model. Other times, a completely different product design is built by editing several existing model parameters. The example in Figure shows how changing a few model parameters can significantly alter a product design. In most cases, the tools and options used to edit models are similar or identical to the tools used to create the model originally.

Parametric geometry allows you to make any necessary changes to the design of a model, allowing you to assess design alternatives almost immediately by changing, adding, or deleting sketches, features, dimensions, and geometric controls. Parameter-driven assemblies allow changes made to individual parts to reproduce automatically as changes in the assembly and assembly drawing. Adaptive parts in assemblies are effective when you may not know the exact dimensions of a part or you may not fully understand the relationship between assembly components. Adaptive parts modify automatically if another part changes. Paramedic geometry also allows you to develop equations that drive your models, allowing a few dimensions to define the entire model or even create a family of related parts.

  • Extracting Drawing Content

drawing content Some parametric solid modelling CADD systems, such as Autodesk Inventor, Pro/Engineer, NX, and SolidWorks, combine 3-D solid modelling with 2-D drawing capabilities. You can create any type of part, assembly, or weldment drawing from existing models. The figure shows an example of a part drawing extracted from a part model. When you edit a model, the corresponding drawing adjusts to reflect the new design. You can also edit a model by modifying parametric model dimensions inside a drawing.

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How many types of solid modeling are there?

Solid modeling in CAD (Computer-Aided Design) refers to the creation and manipulation of three-dimensional solid objects and shapes. There are primarily two types of solid modeling techniques:

Parametric Solid Modeling: Parametric solid modeling involves creating solid objects using mathematical parameters and constraints to define their shape, size, and relationships. Parametric modeling allows designers to create flexible and easily modifiable solid models by associating geometric features with parameters and constraints. Changes made to one part of the model automatically propagate to related parts, maintaining design intent and consistency. Parametric solid modeling techniques include:
a. Feature-Based Modeling: Feature-based modeling involves creating solid models by adding or subtracting geometric features such as extrusions, revolves, sweeps, holes, fillets, and chamfers. Features are defined parametrically and can be easily modified or suppressed to adapt to design changes.
b. History-Based Modeling: History-based modeling captures the sequence of operations used to create a solid model, allowing designers to edit and modify the model by changing the order or parameters of operations. History-based modeling maintains a parametric relationship between the model and its construction steps, enabling efficient design iteration and exploration.
Direct Solid Modeling: Direct solid modeling involves creating solid objects by directly manipulating their geometry without relying on predefined parameters or constraints. Direct modeling allows designers to edit and modify solid models intuitively by directly manipulating faces, edges, and vertices. Direct solid modeling techniques include:
a. Push-Pull Modeling: Push-pull modeling allows designers to push or pull faces, edges, and vertices of a solid object to modify its shape and size. This intuitive approach enables quick and interactive editing of solid models without the need for complex parameterization.
b. Explicit Modeling: Explicit modeling involves creating solid models by defining geometric shapes and relationships directly, without associating them with parameters or constraints. Explicit modeling is often used for rapid concept modeling, freeform design, and artistic expression.

Both parametric and direct solid modeling techniques have their advantages and are suitable for different types of design tasks and workflows. Parametric solid modeling is preferred for designs that require precise control, design intent management, and design automation, while direct solid modeling is preferred for quick concept exploration, intuitive editing, and freeform design. Depending on the requirements of the design project and the preferences of the designer, CAD users may employ one or both types of solid modeling techniques to create and manipulate solid objects effectively.

What is a model of a solid?

AD (Computer-Aided Design) software. In CAD, a solid model represents an object as a closed, watertight volume bounded by surfaces, edges, and vertices. Solid models are used to represent physical objects, components, and assemblies in virtual space, allowing designers and engineers to visualize, analyze, and manipulate them digitally before manufacturing or construction.
Key characteristics of a solid model include:
Geometric Representation: Solid models accurately represent the geometry, shape, and size of physical objects using geometric primitives such as points, lines, curves, surfaces, and volumes. Solid models define the boundaries and interior features of objects, providing a detailed representation of their form and structure.
Topology and Connectivity: Solid models maintain the topology and connectivity of objects by defining relationships between surfaces, edges, and vertices. Solid models ensure that objects are closed and watertight, with no gaps or overlaps between surfaces.
Volume and Mass Properties: Solid models encapsulate the volume and mass properties of objects, allowing designers to calculate and analyze physical properties such as volume, mass, density, center of gravity, and moment of inertia. Solid models provide essential information for engineering analysis, simulation, and optimization.
Parametric Relationships: Parametric solid models incorporate parametric relationships and constraints to define the shape, size, and relationships of objects. Parametric modeling techniques enable designers to create flexible and easily modifiable solid models by associating geometric features with parameters and constraints.
Assembly Structure: In assembly modeling, solid models represent individual components or parts that are assembled together to form larger systems or assemblies. Solid models maintain the assembly structure and relationships between components, enabling designers to visualize and analyze how parts fit and interact within the assembly.
Visualization and Rendering: Solid models provide realistic visual representations of objects through rendering and visualization techniques. CAD software allows designers to apply materials, textures, colors, and lighting effects to solid models, enhancing their visual appearance and realism.

Everything you need to know about Surface modeling technique


Surface modeling technique

surface control points Each surface modeling software offers unique methods for creating and working with surface models, depending on the application, such as engineering, illustration, or animation. Polygonal modelling is the basic form of surface modelling that produces lower-quality surfaces without precise curvature control. Polygonal modeling creates surfaces that are quick and easy to modify, and this is common for applications such as character design for games. Most CAD systems use non-uniform rational basis spline (NURBS) or non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) mathematics to produce accurate curves and surfaces for surface modelling.

nurbs surfaceCurves and surfaces are the principal elements of surface models created using NURBS technology. Curves provide the basic form and geometry necessary for constructing surfaces. A NURB curve is a complex mathematical spline representation that includes control points. A spline is a curve that uses a series of control points and other mathematical principles to define the location and form of the curve. The term spline comes from the flexible spline devices used by shipbuilders and drafters to draw smooth shapes. Spline control points typically lie some distance from the curve and are used to define the curve shape and change the curve design (see Figure). Typically, adding control points to a spline increases the complexity of the curve. Surface modeling uses splines because of their ease and accuracy of construction and evaluation and their ability to approximate complex shapes through curve design.

sailboat model using surface A surface model usually includes multiple NURB surfaces known as patches. Patches fit together using different levels of mathematical formulas to create what is known as geometric continuity. In the simplest terms, geometric continuity is the combining of features into a smooth curve. In actual practice, geometric continuity is a complex mathematical analysis of the shapes used to create a smooth curve. The figure shows NURBS used to design a surface. NURB geometry offers the ability to represent any necessary shape, from lines to planes to complex free-form surfaces. Examples of applications for freeform shapes include automobile and ship design and ergonomic consumer products. The figure shows a surface model of a sailboat with standard and freeform geometric shapes.

Creating Surfaces

CREATING SURFACES direct surface modeling Common methods for creating surfaces include direct and procedural modeling and surface editing. Different surface modeling techniques can often be applied to achieve the same objective. Usually, a combination of methods is required to develop a complete surface model. Surface modeling, like other forms of CADD, requires detailed knowledge of software tools and processes and knowing when each tool and process is best suited for a specific task.

surface from curvesSurface modeling typically involves creating a series of curves that form the spans for defining a surface. Transition surfaces are added as needed to fill gaps within the model. Direct surface modelling is a basic method for developing existing surfaces created using multiple curves by adjusting the position of the surface control points or poles (see Figure). Another approach to surface construction is the use of procedural modeling tools to create surfaces from curves. Common options include extruding a curve, sweeping a profile curve along a path curve, lofting through multiple curves, and using curves to define a boundary (see Figure).

Most surface modeling software provides tools that allow you to construct additional surfaces from initial surface geometry. Examples of these techniques are offsetting, extending, and blending surfaces. Tools are also available for trimming intersecting surfaces. The figure shows basic examples of constructing additional surfaces from initial surface shapes. Many other advanced surface modeling tools are also available. Some surface modelling packages provide the ability to manage the structure of surface objects and maintain a modelling history. For high-quality surfaces, analytical tools such as comb curves and zebra analysis are used to check the continuity of curvature so that reflections and highlights can be managed for the best aesthetic quality.

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How many types of surface modeling are there?

Surface modeling encompasses various techniques for creating and manipulating surfaces in CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software. There are primarily two types of surface modeling techniques:
Explicit Surface Modeling: In explicit surface modeling, surfaces are defined directly by specifying their geometric shapes, parameters, and control points. This approach involves creating surfaces using mathematical equations or by directly manipulating control points to shape the surface. Explicit surface modeling techniques include:
a. NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines): NURBS surfaces are defined by mathematical equations that describe the shape of the surface using control points, weights, and knot vectors. NURBS surfaces are commonly used for creating smooth and continuous surfaces in CAD software.
b. Bezier Surfaces: Bezier surfaces are defined by control points arranged in a grid, known as control polygons. The shape of the surface is determined by the positions of the control points and their influence on the surface curvature. Bezier surfaces are widely used for creating smooth and sculpted surfaces in CAD modeling.
Implicit Surface Modeling: In implicit surface modeling, surfaces are defined implicitly as the boundary or intersection of mathematical functions or shapes. This approach involves creating surfaces based on mathematical representations of solid objects or volumes. Implicit surface modeling techniques include:
a. Sweeping and Lofting: Sweeping and lofting techniques involve creating surfaces by sweeping or lofting a profile curve along a path or between multiple profiles. These techniques are commonly used for generating complex surfaces by blending and transitioning between different shapes and profiles.
b. Surface Blending: Surface blending techniques involve blending or merging multiple surfaces together to create smooth transitions between adjacent surfaces. Surface blending is used to create complex shapes and organic forms by blending and smoothing surface intersections.

What are the techniques of surface model in CAD?

Surface modeling in CAD (Computer-Aided Design) involves various techniques for creating and manipulating surfaces to represent objects, components, and shapes. Some of the key techniques of surface modeling in CAD include:
NURBS Modeling: NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) modeling is a widely used technique for creating smooth and continuous surfaces in CAD. NURBS surfaces are defined by mathematical equations that describe the shape of the surface using control points, weights, and knot vectors. NURBS modeling allows for precise control over surface curvature and continuity.
Bezier Surfaces: Bezier surfaces are defined by control points arranged in a grid, known as control polygons. The shape of the surface is determined by the positions of the control points and their influence on the surface curvature. Bezier surfaces are commonly used for creating smooth and sculpted surfaces in CAD modeling.
Sweeping and Lofting: Sweeping and lofting techniques involve creating surfaces by sweeping or lofting a profile curve along a path or between multiple profiles. These techniques are commonly used for generating complex surfaces by blending and transitioning between different shapes and profiles. Sweeping is used to create surfaces by extruding a profile along a path, while lofting is used to create surfaces by interpolating between multiple profiles.
Surface Blending: Surface blending techniques involve blending or merging multiple surfaces together to create smooth transitions between adjacent surfaces. Surface blending is used to create complex shapes and organic forms by blending and smoothing surface intersections. Blending operations can be used to create fillets, chamfers, and other surface transitions.
Surface Offsetting: Surface offsetting involves creating a new surface parallel to an existing surface at a specified distance. Offset surfaces are commonly used for creating thin-walled structures, shells, and offset features in CAD models. Surface offsetting allows designers to create complex geometries and variations based on existing surfaces.
Patch Modeling: Patch modeling involves creating surfaces by stitching together multiple surface patches or patches derived from curves. Patch modeling techniques allow for flexible and organic surface creation by manipulating individual patches and controlling their continuity and curvature.
Boolean Operations: Boolean operations involve combining or subtracting surface volumes using Boolean operators such as union, intersection, and difference. Boolean operations are commonly used for creating complex shapes and cutouts by combining or subtracting multiple surface bodies.

Everything you need to know about CAD plotting and File Templates

Cad Plotting and File Templates

What are Cad Plotting and File Templates?

autocad plotting A drawing created in CADD initially exists as a soft copy. A soft copy is the electronic data file of a drawing or model. A hard copy is a physical drawing created on paper or some other media by a printer or plotter. Hard copies are often a required element of the engineering or construction process, and they are more useful on the shop floor or at a construction site than soft copies. A design team can check and redline a hard copy without a computer or CADD software. CADD is the standard throughout the world for generating drawings, and electronic data exchange is becoming increasingly popular. However, hard-copy drawings are still a vital tool for communicating a design.

Each CADD system uses a specific method to the plot, though the theory used in each is similar. In general, you must specify the following settings in order to plot:

  • The plot device is the printer, plotter, or alternative plotting system to which the drawing is sent.
  • Plot device properties.
  • Sheet size and orientation.
  • Area to the plot.
  • Scale.
  • The number of copies.
  • Software and drawing-specific settings.

Drafting Equipment, Media, and Reproduction Methods is an important consideration when plotting. Some CADD applications such as Autodesk Inventor, Pro/Engineer, NX, and SolidWorks highly automate plotting, especially the process of scaling a drawing for plotting. Other systems, such as AutoCAD and Micro Station, require you to follow specific procedures to scale a plot correctly. AutoCAD, for example, uses a 3D Model space and paper space system. Model space is the environment in which you create full-scale drawings and designs. Paper space, or layout, is the environment in which you prepare the final drawing for plotting to scale. The layout often includes items such as viewports to display content from model space, a border, sheet blocks, general notes, associated lists, sheet annotation, and sheet setup information.

  • Scale Factor

The scale factor is the reciprocal of the drawing scale, and it is used in the proper scaling of various objects such as text, dimensions, and graphic patterns. Most modern CADD software automates the process of scaling a drawing, allowing you to focus on choosing a scale rather than calculating the scale factor. However, the scale factor is a general concept with which you should be familiar, and it remains an important consideration when working with some CADD applications.

When drawing with CADD, always draw objects at their actual size or full scale, regardless of the size of the objects. For example, if you draw a small machine part and the length of a line in the drawing is .05 in. (1.27 mm), draw the line .05 in. (1.27 mm) long. If you draw an aircraft with a wingspan of 200′ (60,960 mm), draw the wingspan 200′. These examples describe drawing objects that are too small or too large for layout and printing purposes. Scale the objects to fit properly on a sheet according to a specific drawing scale.

When you scale a drawing, you increase or decrease the displayed size of objects. AutoCAD, for example, uses model space and paper space for this process. Scaling a drawing greatly affects the display of items added to full-scale objects, such as annotations, because these items should be the same size on a plotted sheet, regardless of the displayed size or scale of the rest of the drawing.

Traditional manual scaling of annotations, graphic patterns, and other objects requires determining the scale factor of the drawing scale and then multiplying the scale factor by the plotted size of the objects. Text is a convenient object for describing the application of scale factors. For example, to plot text that is .12 in. (3 mm) high on a mechanical drawing plotted at a scale of 1:4, or quarter-scale, multiply the scale factor by .12 in. (3 mm). The scale factor is the reciprocal of the drawing scale. A 1:4 scale drawing has a scale factor of 4 (4 4 1 5 4). Multiply the scale factor of 4 by the text height of .12 in. (3 mm) to find the .48 in. (12 mm) scaled text height. The proper height of .12 in. (3 mm) text in an environment such as model space at a 1:4 scale is .48 in.(12 mm).

Another example is plotting 1/8 in. high text on a structural drawing plotted at a scale of 1/4″ 5 1′ 0″. A 1/4″ 5 1′ 0″ scale drawing has a scale factor of 48 (1′ 0″ 4 1/4″ 5 48). Multiply the scale factor of 48 by the text height of 1/8 in. to find the 6 in. scaled text height. The proper height of 1/8 in. text in an environment such as model space at a 1/4″ 5 1′ 0″ scale is 6 in.

  • Electronic Plots

Exporting is the process of transferring electronic data from a database, such as a drawing file, to a different format used by another program. For some applications, exporting a drawing is an effective way to display and share a drawing. One way to export a drawing is to plot a layout to a different file type. Electronic plotting uses the same general process as hard-copy plotting, but the plot exists electronically instead of on an actual sheet of paper.

A common electronic plotting method is to plot to a portable document format (PDF) file. For example, send a PDF file of a layout to a manufacturer, vendor, contractor, agency, or plotting service. The recipient uses common Adobe software to view the plot electronically and plot the drawing to scale without having CADD software, thus avoiding inconsistencies that sometimes occur when sharing CADD files. Another example is plotting an AutoCAD file to a design web format (DWF or DWFx) file. The recipient of a DWF file uses a viewer such as Autodesk Design Review software to view and mark up the plot.

File Templates

cad file template A file template, or template, is a file that stores standard file settings and objects for use in a new file.

All settings and content of a template file are included in a new file. File templates save time and help produce some consistency in the drawing and design process. Templates help you create new designs by referencing a base file, such as a drawing file, that contains many of the standard items required for multiple projects. A drawing file template is often known as a drawing template. File templates function and are used differently depending on the CADD program.

Most CADD software provides tools and options for working with and managing templates. For example, AutoCAD makes use of drawing template (DWT) files that allow you to use the NEW command to begin a new drawing (DWG) file by referencing a saved DWT file. A new drawing file appears with all the template file settings and contents. Other CADD programs have different but similar applications. This automates the traditional method of opening a file template and then saving a copy of the file template using the name of the new file. You can usually specify or reference any existing appropriate file to use as a template, or you can begin a new drawing using a default template.

cad file template Template options and specifications vary depending on the file type, project, and design and drafting standards. For example, you might use a template for designing parts and another for assemblies, or a template for metric drawings and another for customary drawings. A template includes settings for specific applications that are preset each time you begin a new design. Templates may include the following, depending on the CADD format and software, and set according to the design requirement:

  • Units settings.
  • Drawing and design settings and aids.
  • Layers with specific line standards.
  • Colour, material, and lighting standards.
  • Text, dimension, table, and other specialized annotation standards.
  • Common symbols.
  • Display settings.
  • Sheets and sheet items, such as borders, title blocks, and general notes.
  • Plot settings.

Cad Plotting and File Templates

Create and maintain a variety of file templates with settings for different drawing and design disciplines and project requirements. Store your templates in a common location that is easily accessible, such as the local hard disk or the network server. Keep backup copies of templates in a secure location. You may discover additional items that should be included in your templates as you work. Update templates as needed and according to modified settings or new standard practices. For example, use the OPEN command to open a DWT file when using AutoCAD. Then, add content to the file as needed. Once you resave the file, the modified template is ready to use. Remember to replace all old template copies with updated versions.

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What are templates in CAD?

In CAD (Computer-Aided Design), templates refer to predefined files or standardized formats used as starting points for creating new drawings or designs. CAD templates typically include preconfigured settings, layers, styles, and other parameters tailored for specific types of drawings or projects.
Key aspects of CAD templates include:
Settings and Units: CAD templates may include predefined settings for drawing units, dimensions, scales, and other parameters. These settings ensure consistency and adherence to standards across drawings within an organization or industry.
Layers and Organization: CAD templates often include predefined layer structures and organization schemes to facilitate efficient drawing management and collaboration. Layers help categorize and separate different elements of a drawing, such as geometry, annotations, dimensions, and symbols.
Styles and Standards: CAD templates may include predefined text styles, dimension styles, line types, and other graphical standards to maintain consistency and uniformity in drawing presentation. Standardized styles ensure that drawings adhere to established conventions and are visually consistent across projects.
Title Blocks and Borders: CAD templates commonly include title blocks, borders, and other standard elements for documenting drawing information, such as project title, author, date, and revision history. Title blocks provide a standardized format for documenting and communicating essential information about the drawing.
Symbols and Blocks: CAD templates may include libraries of standard symbols, blocks, and components that can be easily inserted into drawings. These symbols represent commonly used objects, components, and annotations, such as electrical symbols, architectural symbols, and mechanical components.
Customization and Flexibility: While CAD templates provide predefined settings and configurations, they are often customizable to accommodate project-specific requirements and preferences. Designers can modify and tailor templates to suit the unique needs of each project while still benefiting from predefined standards and conventions.

How do I plot a CAD file?

Plotting a CAD file involves the process of generating a physical copy of a CAD drawing or design by printing it onto paper or other media using a plotter or printer. Here are the general steps to plot a CAD file:
Open the CAD File: Launch the CAD software and open the CAD file (drawing) that you want to plot. Ensure that the drawing is correctly set up with appropriate layers, dimensions, and other settings for plotting.
Set Plotting Parameters: Access the plotting or printing settings within the CAD software. This may involve selecting a plotter or printer device, specifying paper size and orientation, setting plotting scale, and adjusting other parameters such as plot style, lineweights, and colors.
Preview the Plot: Use the plotting preview feature, if available, to preview how the drawing will appear when plotted. This allows you to review the layout, scale, and appearance of the plotted drawing before sending it to the plotter or printer.
Specify Plotting Options: Configure additional plotting options as needed, such as plot range (layout or model space), plot area, plot scale, plot style, lineweights, and plotter or printer settings. Ensure that all settings are configured correctly for the desired output.
Plot or Print the Drawing: Once the plotting parameters are set, initiate the plotting or printing process. Depending on the CAD software and printer setup, you may need to click a “Plot” or “Print” button to send the drawing to the plotter or printer.
Monitor the Plotting Process: Monitor the progress of the plotting process to ensure that the drawing is being printed correctly. Check for any errors, misalignments, or other issues that may arise during plotting.
Retrieve the Plotted Drawing: Once plotting is complete, retrieve the plotted drawing from the plotter or printer. Check the printed drawing for accuracy, clarity, and completeness, and make any necessary adjustments or corrections as needed.
Finish and Review: After plotting, review the printed drawing to ensure that it meets the desired specifications and quality standards. If necessary, store or distribute the plotted drawing according to project requirements.

How to reuse CAD content and symbols


How do you reuse elements in a 2D CAD design?

CAD CONTENT AND SYMBOLS One of the most productive features of CADD is the ability to reuse drawing content, that is, all of the objects, settings, and other elements that make up a drawing. Drawing contents such as objects and object properties, text and dimension settings, drafting symbols, sheets, and typical drawing details are often duplicated in many different drawings. The most basic method of reusing content is to apply commands such as MOVE, COPY, and ROTATE; these allow you to modify or reuse existing objects instead of re-creating or developing new objects.

File templates, described later in this chapter, are another way to reuse drawing content. Customized templates provide an effective way to start each new file using standard settings. Another method to reuse drawing content is to seek out data from existing files. This is a common requirement when developing related drawings for a specific project or working on similar projects. Sharing drawing content is also common when revising drawings and when duplicating standards used by a consultant, vendor, or client. Most CADD programs provide several other options that automate the process of sharing drawing content, including reusing pre-drawn symbols and entire drawings. Specific CADD applications throughout this textbook provide additional information about reusing content with CADD.

CADD Symbols

A major benefit of drawing with CADD is the ability to create and store symbols in a drawing for future use. Saved reusable symbols are known by names such as symbols, blocks, cells, and reference files, depending on the CADD software. You can insert symbols as often as needed and share symbols between drawings. You also often have the option to scale, rotate, and adjust symbols to meet specific drawing requirements. Using symbols saves time when creating drawings and increases productivity.

Draw the elements of a symbol as you would any other geometry. A symbol can usually consist of any object or group of objects, including annotation, or it can be an entire drawing. Review each drawing and project to identify items you can use more than once. Screws, punches, subassemblies, plumbing fixtures, and appliances are examples of items to consider converting to reusable symbols. The process of converting objects to symbols varies with each CADD software. The common requirements are to select the objects to define as the symbol, specify an insertion base point that determines where the symbol is positioned during insertion, and save the symbol using a unique descriptive name. The figure shows some common drafting symbols. Once you create a symbol, the symbol is ready to insert in the current file or be added to other files as needed. As you define symbols, prepare a symbols library in which each symbol is available for reference. A symbol library is a collection of symbols that can be used on any drawing.

File Referencing

CADD software usually provides additional ways to reuse content, such as a system for referencing existing files. For example, AutoCAD provides an external reference, or Xref, the system to automate and manage file referencing. File-referencing tools provide an effective way to use and relate existing base drawings, complex symbols, images, and details to other drawings. File referencing also helps multiple users share content. Whether you have the option to reference a variety of files depends on the CADD software. For example, AutoCAD allows you to reference a drawing (DWG), design web format (DWF and DWFx) raster image, digital negative (DNG), or portable document format (PDF) file. Referencing a file is similar to inserting an entire drawing or a portion of a drawing as a symbol. However, unlike a symbol, which is usually stored in the file in which you insert the symbol, reference file information does not add to the host drawing. File data appears on-screen for reference only. The result is useful information but with a much smaller host file size than if you inserted a symbol or copied and pasted objects. Another benefit of file referencing is the link between reference and host files. If you make any changes to reference files, update the host drawings to display the most recent reference content. This allows you or a design drafting team to work on a multi-file project with the assurance that any revisions to reference files display in host drawings.

CAD content and symbols

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What is 2D CAD design?

2D CAD design refers to the creation of two-dimensional digital drawings or blueprints using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software. In 2D CAD design, objects, components, and structures are represented using two-dimensional geometric shapes, lines, and symbols, typically arranged on a flat plane.

Key characteristics of 2D CAD design include:

Geometric Shapes: 2D CAD software allows designers to create and manipulate basic geometric shapes such as lines, circles, rectangles, and polygons. These shapes serve as building blocks for creating more complex drawings and designs.
Drawing Tools: 2D CAD software provides a variety of drawing tools and features for creating and editing shapes, lines, and curves. These tools include drawing tools for creating precise lines and shapes, editing tools for modifying and adjusting geometry, and annotation tools for adding text, dimensions, and symbols to drawings.
Layering: 2D CAD software often includes layering functionality, allowing designers to organize and manage different elements of a drawing on separate layers. Layering enables designers to control visibility, editing, and formatting of specific components or groups of objects within a drawing.
Dimensioning: Dimensioning tools in 2D CAD software allow designers to add accurate dimensions, measurements, and annotations to drawings. Dimensioning is essential for conveying the size, scale, and geometry of objects and components in technical drawings.
Symbol Libraries: 2D CAD software often includes libraries of standard symbols, blocks, and components that can be easily inserted into drawings. These symbols represent commonly used objects, components, and annotations, such as electrical symbols, architectural symbols, and mechanical components.
Orthographic Projection: 2D CAD drawings typically use orthographic projection techniques to represent objects and structures from multiple views, such as top, front, side, and isometric views. Orthographic projection allows designers to depict the shape, size, and features of objects accurately in technical drawings.

Why is 2D design used?

2D CAD design refers to the creation of two-dimensional digital drawings or blueprints using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software. In 2D CAD design, objects, components, and structures are represented using two-dimensional geometric shapes, lines, and symbols, typically arranged on a flat plane.

Key characteristics of 2D CAD design include:

Geometric Shapes: 2D CAD software allows designers to create and manipulate basic geometric shapes such as lines, circles, rectangles, and polygons. These shapes serve as building blocks for creating more complex drawings and designs.
Drawing Tools: 2D CAD software provides a variety of drawing tools and features for creating and editing shapes, lines, and curves. These tools include drawing tools for creating precise lines and shapes, editing tools for modifying and adjusting geometry, and annotation tools for adding text, dimensions, and symbols to drawings.
Layering: 2D CAD software often includes layering functionality, allowing designers to organize and manage different elements of a drawing on separate layers. Layering enables designers to control visibility, editing, and formatting of specific components or groups of objects within a drawing.
Dimensioning: Dimensioning tools in 2D CAD software allow designers to add accurate dimensions, measurements, and annotations to drawings. Dimensioning is essential for conveying the size, scale, and geometry of objects and components in technical drawings.
Symbol Libraries: 2D CAD software often includes libraries of standard symbols, blocks, and components that can be easily inserted into drawings. These symbols represent commonly used objects, components, and annotations, such as electrical symbols, architectural symbols, and mechanical components.
Orthographic Projection: 2D CAD drawings typically use orthographic projection techniques to represent objects and structures from multiple views, such as top, front, side, and isometric views. Orthographic projection allows designers to depict the shape, size, and features of objects accurately in technical drawings.
2D CAD design is widely used in various industries and applications, including architecture, engineering, construction, manufacturing, and interior design, for creating detailed drawings, schematics, blueprints, and technical documentation. While 2D CAD design is suitable for representing objects and components in two dimensions, it may be supplemented or replaced by 3D CAD design for more complex designs and visualizations.

Everything you need to know about CAD drafting techniques

CAD drafting

What are basic cad drafting techniques?

cad drafting techniques The process of preparing a 2-D drawing varies, depending on the CADD software and preferred design techniques. Software centred on 2-D drafting typically requires you to construct geometry such as lines, circles, and arcs and add dimensions and text. In contrast, to prepare a 2-D drawing when using software or a design process that focuses on building a 3D model, you typically extract 2-D views from the 3-D model. Two-dimensional drawing concepts and theories are the same regardless of the technique used to produce the drawing.

Designing and drafting effectively with a computer requires a skilled CADD operator. To be a proficient CADD user, you must have detailed knowledge of software tools and processes and know when each tool and process is best suited for a specific task. Learn the format, appearance, and proper use of your software’s graphical user interface and customize the GUI according to common tasks and specific applications to increase proficiency. You must also understand and be able to apply design and drafting systems and conventions, plus develop effective methods for managing your work.

Drawing and Editing

CADD software includes commands for creating and modifying all elements of a drawing for any design requirement. Study the CADD drawing in as you explore drawing and editing with a computer. This drawing of a medical instrument part includes straight lines, circles, arcs, text, dimensions, and numerous symbols created accurately and efficiently using a variety of drawing and editing commands. The CADD applications throughout this textbook provide specific information about drawing and editing with CADD.

Line Standards and Layers

DRAWING AND EDITING CADD programs often include a layer or similar system to organize and assign certain properties to objects. In CADD terminology, layers are elements of the drawing that allow you to separate objects into logical groups for formatting and display purposes. For example, a multi-view mechanical drawing can have layers for each unique line type, Including object lines, hidden lines, dimensions, and section lines (see Figure). You can display all layers to show the complete drawing or hide specific layers to focus on certain items. Lines and Lettering provide detailed information on types of lines. Some CADD systems automatically or semi-automatically set drawing elements on separate layers, and others require that you create your own layering system.

Layers allow you to conform to drawing standards and conventions and help create unique displays, views, and sheets. The following is a list of ways you can use layers to increase productivity and add value to a drawing:

  • Assign each layer a unique color, line type, and line weight to correspond to line conventions and to help improve clarity.
  • Make changes to layer properties that immediately update all objects drawn on the layer.
  • Turn off or freeze selected layers to decrease the amount of information displayed on-screen or to speed screen regeneration.
  • Plot each layer in a different color, line type, or line weight, or set a layer not to plot.
  • Use separate layers to group-specific information. For example, draw a floor plan using floor plan layers, an electrical plan using electrical layers, and a plumbing plan using plumbing layers.
  • Create several sheets from the same drawing file by controlling layer visibility to separate or combine drawing information. For example, use layers to display a floor plan and electrical plan together to send to an electrical contractor or display a floor plan and plumbing plan together to send to a plumbing contractor.

CADD programs often include a layer or similar system to organize and assign certain properties to objects. In CADD terminology, layers are elements of the drawing that allow you to separate objects into logical groups for formatting and display purposes.

For example, a multi-view mechanical drawing can have layers for each unique line type,

Layers Used in Industry

The drawing typically determines the function of each layer. You can create layers for any type of drawing. Draw each object on a layer specific to the object. In mechanical drafting, you usually assign a specific layer to each different type of line or object. The following is an example list of common layers and basic properties assigned to each layer for mechanical drafting applications.


Layer Name                                                      Line TypeLine WeightColor
Object Solid (continuous).02 in. (0.6 mm)Black
HiddenHidden (dashed).01 in. (0.3 mm)Black
CenterCenter.01 in. (0.3 mm)Green
DimensionSolid (continuous).01 in. (0.3 mm)Red
ConstructionSolid (continuous.01 in. (0.3 mm)Yellow
BorderSolid (continuous).02 in. (0.6 mm)Black
PhantomPhantom.01 in. (0.3 mm)Magenta
SectionSolid (continuous).01 in. (0.3 mm)Brown

Architectural and civil drawings, for example, can require hundreds of layers, each used to draw a specific item. For example, create full-height floor plan walls on a black A-WALL FULL layer that uses a .02 in. (0.5 mm) solid (continuous) line type. Add plumbing fixtures to a floor plan on a blue P-FLORFIXT layer that uses a .014 in. (0.35 mm) solid (continuous) line type. Draw roadway centerlines on a site plan or map using a green C-ROAD-CNTR layer that uses a .014 in. (0.35 mm) centerline type.

Layer names are usually set according to specific industry or company standards. However, simple or generic drawings may use a more basic naming system. For example, the name Continuous-White indicates a layer assigned a continuous line type and white color. The name is Object-Red, and it identifies a layer for drawing object lines that are assigned the colour red. More complex layer names are appropriate for some applications, including drawing numbers, colour codes, and layer content. For example, the name Dwg101-3Dim refers to drawing DWG101, color 3, for use when adding dimensions. The CAD Layer Guidelines from the American Institute of Architects (AIA), associated with the NCS, specifies a layer naming system for architectural and related drawings. The system uses a highly detailed layer naming process.

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What are the techniques of CAD?

CAD (Computer-Aided Design) encompasses various techniques and approaches for creating and manipulating digital models of objects and systems. Some of the key techniques of CAD include:
Parametric Modeling: Parametric modeling involves defining geometric shapes and relationships using mathematical parameters and constraints. This allows for the creation of flexible, easily modifiable designs where changes to one part of the model automatically propagate to related parts.
Direct Modeling: Direct modeling allows users to manipulate geometry directly, without relying on predefined parameters or constraints. This approach is more intuitive and flexible for making quick design changes or modifications to existing models.
Surface Modeling: Surface modeling is used to create complex shapes and surfaces by defining mathematical representations of curves and surfaces. Surface modeling techniques are commonly used in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and industrial design for creating aesthetically pleasing and aerodynamically optimized designs.
Solid Modeling: Solid modeling represents objects as three-dimensional volumes bounded by surfaces. Solid modeling techniques are used to create realistic and manufacturable designs of solid objects, components, and assemblies.
Assembly Modeling: Assembly modeling involves creating and managing complex assemblies of components, where individual parts are assembled together to form larger systems or products. Assembly modeling techniques include defining relationships, constraints, and interactions between components.
Drafting and Annotation: Drafting and annotation techniques are used to add dimensions, annotations, symbols, and other details to 2D and 3D CAD models. This helps communicate design intent, specifications, and manufacturing requirements to stakeholders and collaborators.
Generative Design: Generative design techniques use algorithms and optimization algorithms to explore a wide range of design possibilities and generate innovative solutions. Generative design tools help engineers and designers explore design alternatives and find optimal solutions based on predefined objectives and constraints.

What is CAD in technical drafting?

In technical drafting, CAD (Computer-Aided Design) refers to the use of computer software to create precise and detailed drawings of mechanical, electrical, architectural, or other technical designs. CAD software allows drafters and designers to create, modify, and annotate drawings digitally, using tools and features specifically tailored for technical drafting purposes.
CAD in technical drafting offers several advantages over traditional manual drafting methods:

Precision and Accuracy: CAD software enables drafters to create drawings with precise dimensions, measurements, and alignments, ensuring accuracy and consistency throughout the design process.

Efficiency and Productivity: CAD tools streamline the drafting process by automating repetitive tasks, such as dimensioning, annotation, and symbol insertion, allowing drafters to work more efficiently and produce drawings faster.

Flexibility and Editability: CAD drawings are digital files that can be easily modified, edited, and updated as needed. This flexibility allows designers to make changes to designs quickly and iteratively without having to redraw entire drawings.

Visualization and Simulation: CAD software provides visualization and simulation tools that allow designers to view designs in 3D, rotate and zoom into specific areas, and simulate how components will fit together and function in real-world environments.

Collaboration and Sharing: CAD files can be easily shared and collaborated on among team members, stakeholders, and clients, facilitating communication and collaboration throughout the design process.

Integration with Manufacturing: CAD software integrates with manufacturing processes, allowing designers to create drawings that are compatible with CNC machines, 3D printers, and other manufacturing equipment. This integration ensures that designs can be easily translated into physical prototypes and products.

Everything you need to know about Virtual Reality

Passive VR

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality Virtual reality (VR) refers to a world that appears to be real and has many of the properties of an actual world. As a term, virtual reality describes a system that allows one or more people to move about and react in a computer-simulated environment. In this environment, virtual objects are manipulated using various types of devices as though they were real objects. This simulated world gives a feeling of being immersed in the real world, such as the inside and outside of a product or building; the simulation includes sound and touch.

A walk-through can be characterized as a camera in a computer program that creates a first-person view of walking through a building, around a product or building, or through a landscape. A fly-through is similar to a walk-through, but the first-person camera view is like a helicopter flying through the area.

Fly-through is generally not used to describe a tour through a building. Walk-through or fly-through is the effect of a computer-generated movie. The computer images represent the real architecture or the VR presentation in which the computer images turn or move as you turn your head in the desired direction. Realistic renderings, animations, and VR are excellent tools to show the client how the building will look inside and out or how a product will operate. Design ideas can be created and easily changed at this stage.

VR requires special interface devices that transmit the simulated world’s sights, sounds, and sensations. In return, these devices record speech and movement and transmit them back to the simulation software program. Virtual reality technology is a logical step in the design process.

A VR system provides the capability of interacting with a model of any size, from molecular to astronomical. Surgeons can learn from virtual patients and practice real operations on a virtual body constructed from scanned images of the human patient. Home designers can walk around inside a house, stretching, moving, and copying shapes to create a finished product.

Buildings can be designed and placed on virtual building sites. Clients can take walk-through tours of a building before it is built and make changes as they walk through. Scientists can conduct experiments on a molecular level by placing themselves inside a model of chemical compounds. Using telerobotics, a person can see through the eyes of a robot while in a safe virtual environment in order to guide a robot into a hazardous situation.

Passive VR

Through-the-window VR, also referred to as passive VR, is a common basic VR application. Passive VR is the manipulation of a 3-D model with input from a mouse, trackball, or 3-D motion control device. This allows more than one person to see and experience the 3-D world. A variation on this is a flat-panel display with handles for movement. The window VR unit in Figure is designed to allow natural interaction with the virtual environment. Museum and showroom visitors can walk up, grab the handles, and instantly begin interacting. Observers can follow the action by moving beside the primary user. A variety of handle-mounted buttons imitate keyboard keystrokes, joystick buttons, or 3-D motion control device buttons.

Another type of through-the-window VR consists of a special stereoscopic monitor and sensing devices. The viewer wears lightweight, passive, polarized eyewear. The monitor sends the images directly to the screen to generate 3-D images by users wearing the special glasses. This technology also allows several persons to view the same image on the screen.

Head Mounted Display (HMD)

HEAD MOUNT DISPLAY To interact visually with the simulated world, you wear a head-mounted display (HMD), which directs computer images at each eye (see Figure). The HMD tracks your head movements, including the direction in which you are looking. Using this movement information, the HMD receives updated images from the computer system, which is continually recalculating the virtual world based on your head motions. The computer generates new views quickly, preventing the view from appearing halting and jerky and lagging behind your movements. The HMD can also deliver sounds to your earphones. The tracking feature of the HMD also can be used to update the audio signal to simulate surround sound effects. The three most important HMD attributes are

  • field of view (FOV)
  • resolution
  • weight
  • Field of View (FOV)

Field of View (FOV) The human visual field is approximately 2008 wide for both eyes, about 1508 for each eye, and 908 vertically. The portion of the visual field that is visible to both eyes is called the binocular overlap and is about 1008. The greater binocular overlap allows a stronger sense of depth. The necessary vertical field of view depends on the application. For example, driving simulators typically require only a narrow vertical field of view because the out-of-window view in most cars is limited in the vertical direction. In addition, scientific research into motion and balance often requires taller vertical fields of view so that test subjects can see below and above them.

  • Resolution

Resolution Higher resolution throughout the visual field brings out fine detail in a scene (such as the ability to read text on a car’s dashboard), makes images look more realistic, and increases the amount of information that can be displayed. The characteristics of a computer monitor are often specified as a size measure (such as 21 in.) and as input resolution (such as 1920 3 1200 pixels). Input resolution is useful in determining compatibility with a particular image generator, and pixel density is at least as important in determining visual quality. A reasonable estimate of the visual sharpness for a person with 20/20 vision is 60  pixels/degree. This means that to match human visual quality, an HMD with a field of view of 408 3 308 (H 3 V) would need to present 2400 3 1800 pixels.

  • Weight

A lightweight and balanced HMD helps users feel comfortable and allows for greater freedom of movement. Professional HMDs can be as light as 350 g (12 oz) or as heavy as 2 kg (4.5 lbs). A way to assist HMD weight is to install a boom mechanism that suspends the HMD from the top, although this typically restricts movement and makes the system more cumbersome. There is a dramatic range in the weights of offered HMDs.

Binocular Omni-Orientation Monitor (BOOM)

Binocular Omni-Orientation Monitor The Binocular Omni-Orientation Monitor (BOOM), developed by Fake Space, Inc., is a head-coupled stereoscopic display device (see Figure). The display is attached to a counterbalanced multilink arm system. The person can guide the counterbalanced display while looking into it like binoculars. The system is guided with tracking attached to the counterbalanced arms.

Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE)

Cave Automatic Virtual Environment The Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) projects stereo images on the walls and floor of a room. CAVE was developed at the University of Illinois at Chicago to allow users to wear lightweight stereo glasses and to walk around freely inside the virtual environment. Several persons can participate within the CAVE environment as the tracking system follows the lead viewer’s position and movements, as shown in Figure.

Haptic Interface

Phantom haptic device The sense of touch is the most challenging physical sensation to simulate in a virtual world. A haptic interface is a device that relays the sense of touch and other physical sensations. In this environment, your hand and finger movements can be tracked, allowing you to reach into the virtual world and handle objects. Haptic interfaces of this type hold great potential for design engineers, allowing various team members to manipulate a product design in a virtual environment in a natural way. Although you can handle an object, it is difficult to generate sensations associated with the human touch, for example. These sensations are felt when a person touches a soft surface, picks up a heavy object or runs a finger across a bumpy surface. Very accurate and fast computer-controlled motors generate force by pushing against the user to simulate these sensations.

Haptic devices are synchronized with HMD sight and sound, and the motors must be small enough to be worn without interfering with natural movement. A simple haptic device is the desktop stylus shown in Figure. This device can apply a small force, through a mechanical linkage, to a stylus held in the user’s hand. When the stylus encounters a virtual object, the user is provided feedback that simulates the interaction. In addition, if the stylus is dragged across a textured surface, it responds with the proper vibration.

In the future, engineers may use VR to increase productivity in various areas, including virtual mock-up, assembly, and design reviews. These applications may include the realistic simulation of human factors, such as snap-fits, key component functions, and the experience of virtual forms. Virtual assemblies may include fit evaluation, maintenance path planning, manufacturability analysis, and assembly training.

Web-Enabled Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)

An emerging area in the world of virtual reality is Web-enabled virtual reality modeling language (VRML). VRML is a formatting language that is used to publish virtual 3-D settings called worlds on the World Wide Web (www). Once the developer has placed the world on the Internet, the user can view it using a Web-browser plug-in. This plug-in contains controls that allow the user to move around in the virtual world as the user would like to experience it. Currently, VRML is a standard authoring language that provides authoring tools for the creation of 3-D worlds with integrated hyperlinks. The current version of VRML is viewed using a basic computer monitor and, therefore, is not fully immersive. However, the future of VRML should incorporate the use of HMDs and haptic devices, making for more truly immersive environments.

In the future, engineers may use VR to increase productivity in various areas, including virtual mock-up, assembly, and design reviews. These applications may include the realistic simulation of human factors, such as snap-fits, key component functions, and the experience of virtual forms. Virtual assemblies may include fit evaluation, maintenance path planning, manufacturability analysis, and assembly training.

VR Opportunities

A field of opportunity is available in the creation of virtual worlds. These worlds are detailed 3-D models of a wide variety of subjects. Virtual worlds need to be constructed for many different applications. Persons who can construct realistic 3-D models can be in great demand. The fields of VR geographic information systems (GIS) are combined to create intelligent worlds from which data can be obtained while occupying the virtual world. In the future, many cities will have virtual models on their Web sites.

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Where is virtual reality used?

Virtual reality (VR) is used in various fields and industries for a wide range of applications. Some of the key areas where virtual reality is utilized include:
Gaming and Entertainment: VR is perhaps most commonly associated with gaming and entertainment. VR gaming immerses players in virtual worlds, allowing for immersive and interactive gameplay experiences. VR is also used for virtual theme park attractions, immersive storytelling experiences, and virtual tours of museums and historical sites.
Training and Simulation: VR is used extensively for training and simulation purposes across industries such as aviation, military, healthcare, and manufacturing. VR simulations provide a safe and controlled environment for training scenarios that may be too dangerous, costly, or impractical to replicate in the real world. Examples include flight simulators for pilot training, virtual medical simulations for surgical training, and virtual equipment training for industrial workers.
Education and Learning: VR is increasingly being used in education to enhance learning experiences and engage students in immersive and interactive educational content. Virtual reality can transport students to historical events, distant locations, or microscopic environments, providing a deeper understanding of complex concepts and subjects.
Architecture and Design: VR is used in architecture and design for immersive visualization of building designs and environments. Architects and designers can use VR to explore and interact with 3D models of buildings, interiors, and urban spaces, allowing for better spatial understanding and design evaluation.
Healthcare and Therapy: VR is utilized in healthcare for various applications, including pain management, rehabilitation, and therapy. VR simulations and experiences can help patients manage pain, improve mobility and motor skills, and treat phobias and anxiety disorders through exposure therapy.
Real Estate and Tourism: VR is used in real estate and tourism for virtual property tours and destination experiences. VR allows potential buyers to explore properties remotely and experience them in immersive 3D environments. Similarly, VR is used to provide virtual tours of tourist destinations, hotels, and resorts.
Engineering and Product Design: VR is used in engineering and product design for immersive design reviews, collaborative design sessions, and virtual prototyping. Engineers and designers can visualize and interact with 3D models of products and prototypes in VR environments, enabling better design evaluation and decision-making.
Psychology and Research: VR is used in psychology and research for studying human behavior, cognition, and perception in controlled virtual environments. Researchers use VR simulations to conduct experiments, test hypotheses, and investigate topics such as spatial navigation, social interactions, and human-computer interaction.

Why is VR important?

Virtual reality (VR) is important for several reasons, as it offers numerous benefits and opportunities across various fields and industries:

Immersive Experiences: VR provides immersive and realistic experiences that engage multiple senses, creating a sense of presence and immersion in virtual environments. This immersive quality of VR enables users to explore, interact with, and experience virtual worlds in ways that were previously impossible, leading to enhanced entertainment, education, training, and simulation experiences.
Enhanced Learning and Training: VR offers a safe and controlled environment for learning and training, allowing users to practice skills, conduct simulations, and gain hands-on experience in realistic virtual scenarios. VR-based training programs can improve learning outcomes, retention, and engagement, particularly for complex or high-risk tasks in fields such as healthcare, aviation, and manufacturing.
Remote Collaboration and Communication: VR enables remote collaboration and communication by allowing users to meet and interact with others in virtual spaces regardless of their physical location. VR meetings, conferences, and collaborative workspaces facilitate communication, teamwork, and creativity among distributed teams, reducing the need for travel and enabling more flexible and efficient collaboration.
Visualization and Design: VR provides powerful visualization tools for architects, designers, engineers, and artists, allowing them to explore and interact with 3D models and designs in immersive virtual environments. VR-based design reviews, prototyping, and visualization tools enable better spatial understanding, design evaluation, and decision-making, leading to more innovative and efficient design solutions.
Therapeutic and Healthcare Applications: VR has therapeutic applications in healthcare for pain management, rehabilitation, exposure therapy, and cognitive training. VR-based interventions can help reduce pain, improve motor skills, treat phobias and anxiety disorders, and enhance the overall well-being of patients by providing immersive and engaging therapeutic experiences.

Research and Exploration: VR enables researchers to study human behavior, cognition, and perception in controlled virtual
environments, leading to insights into various aspects of psychology, neuroscience, and human-computer interaction. VR simulations can also be used for scientific visualization, data analysis, and exploration of complex systems and phenomena.

Entertainment and Media: VR offers new possibilities for immersive entertainment experiences, including VR gaming, interactive storytelling, virtual theme park attractions, and cinematic experiences. VR-based entertainment content provides audiences with engaging and immersive experiences that go beyond traditional media formats, leading to new forms of creative expression and entertainment.

Everything you need to know about Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

Computer-Aided Manufacturing

What is Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)?

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) uses computers to assist in the creation or modification of manufacturing control data, plans, or operations and to operate machine tools. Computers are

integral to the manufacturing process. Computerized tools such as welding machines, machining centres, punch press machines, and laser-cutting machines are commonplace. Many firms are engaged in computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM). In a CAD/CAM system, a part is designed on the computer and transmitted directly to computer-driven machine tools that manufacture the part. Within the CAD/CAM process, there are other computerized steps along the way, including the following:

STEP 1 The CAD program is used to create the product geometry. The geometry can be in the form of 2-D Multiview drawings or 3-D models.

STEP 2 The drawing geometry is used in the CAM program to generate instructions for the CNC machine tools. This step is commonly referred to as CAD/CAM integration.

STEP 3 The CAM program uses a series of commands to instruct CNC machine tools by setting up tool paths. The tool path includes the selection of specific tools to accomplish the desired operation.

STEP 4 The CAM programmer establishes the desired tool and tool path. Running the postprocessor generates the final CNC program. A postprocessor is an integral piece of software that converts a generic CAM system tool path into usable CNC machine code (G-code). The CNC program is a sequential list of machining operations in the form of code that is used to machine the part as needed.

STEP 5 The CAM software simulator verifies the CNC program (see Figure).

STEP 6 The CNC code is created. Figure 3.26 illustrates the CADD 3-D model, the tool and tool holder, the tool path, and the G-code for machining a part.

STEP 7 The program is run on the CNC machine tool to manufacture the desired number of parts.

Computer Numerical Control (CNC)

Computer numerical control, also known as numerical control (NC), is the control of a process or machine by encoded commands that are commonly prepared by a computer. CNC is a critical aspect of CAM in which a computerized controller uses motors to drive each axis of a machine, such as a mill, to manufacture parts in a production environment. The machine’s motors rotate based on the direction, speed, and length of time specified in the CNC program file. A programmer creates this file, and it contains the programming language used to establish the operation performed on the machine tool. Examples of CNC programming language include G-codes, which are primary functions such as tool moves, and M-codes, which are miscellaneous functions such as tool changes and coolant settings. CNC is a major innovation in manufacturing. CNC has led to increased productivity because the consistency of the process has lowered manufacturing costs, increased product quality, and led to the development of new techniques. Persons possessing CADD and CNC skills can find various opportunities in manufacturing industries.

Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) brings together all the technologies in a management system, coordinating CADD, CAM, CNC, robotics, and material handling from the beginning of the design process through the packaging and shipment of the product. The computer system controls and monitors all the elements of the manufacturing system. The figure illustrates an example of CAD within a CIM process. The field of CIM incorporates the disciplines of CAD, CAM, robotics, electronics, hydraulics, pneumatics, computer programming, and process control. Computer-integrated manufacturing enables all persons within a company to access and use the same database that designers and engineers would normally use.

Within CIM, the computer and its software control most, if not all, portions of manufacturing. A basic CIM system can include transporting the stock material from a holding area to the machining centre, which performs several machining functions. From there, the part can be moved automatically to another station where additional pieces are attached, then on to an inspection station, and from there to shipping or packaging.

Additional Applications

In addition to design and manufacturing, CADD provides usable data and supports many other areas of the engineering design process. Most sales and marketing materials, technical publications, and training documents reference some form of CADD data. Often, existing drawings and models provide the majority of critical content required for items such as product brochures and installation and service manuals. Technical illustration involves the use of a variety of artistic and graphic arts skills and a wide range of media in addition to pictorial drawing techniques. The figure shows an example of a technical illustration partly created by directly reusing existing CADD data from the design process.

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What is Computer-Aided Manufacturing?

Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) refers to the use of computer software and hardware to automate and optimize manufacturing processes. CAM systems integrate with computer-aided design (CAD) software to translate digital design data into instructions for controlling manufacturing machinery and equipment, such as CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines, 3D printers, and robotic systems.

CAM software plays a crucial role in the manufacturing process by:

Toolpath Generation: CAM software generates toolpaths, which are the precise paths that cutting tools or additive manufacturing devices follow to shape raw material into a finished part. These toolpaths are generated based on the geometry of the part, machining parameters, and other factors.
Machine Simulation: CAM software often includes simulation capabilities to visualize and verify the machining process before it is executed on the actual machine. Machine simulation helps detect collisions, verify tool clearances, and ensure that the machining operation will proceed smoothly and safely.
Post-Processing: After generating toolpaths, CAM software converts them into machine-specific G-code or other machine-readable instructions. This process, known as post-processing, translates the toolpath data into commands that control the movements of the machine’s axes, spindle speed, tool changes, and other parameters.
Optimization and Efficiency: CAM software allows users to optimize manufacturing processes for efficiency, productivity, and quality. This may involve optimizing cutting strategies, minimizing material waste, reducing machining time, and improving surface finish.
Integration with CAD and PLM: CAM software often integrates with CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software and PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) systems to streamline the transition from design to manufacturing. This integration enables seamless transfer of design data, facilitates collaboration between design and manufacturing teams, and ensures that manufacturing processes are aligned with design intent.

Who uses computer-aided engineering?

Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) is used by various professionals and industries involved in product development, engineering design, analysis, and manufacturing. Some of the key users of CAE include:

Mechanical Engineers: Mechanical engineers use CAE tools to analyze and optimize the structural integrity, thermal performance, and dynamic behavior of mechanical components and systems. They apply CAE techniques in industries such as automotive, aerospace, machinery, and consumer products.
Civil Engineers: Civil engineers utilize CAE software to simulate and analyze the behavior of structures, infrastructure, and construction materials. They use CAE tools for tasks such as structural analysis, finite element modeling of bridges and buildings, and optimization of construction processes.
Aerospace Engineers: Aerospace engineers rely on CAE for aerodynamic analysis, structural design, and optimization of aircraft and spacecraft components. CAE is used in the development of airframes, propulsion systems, control systems, and other aerospace technologies.
Electrical Engineers: Electrical engineers use CAE software for simulation and analysis of electrical circuits, systems, and devices. They apply CAE techniques in industries such as electronics, power generation, telecommunications, and semiconductor manufacturing.
Manufacturing Engineers: Manufacturing engineers leverage CAE tools to optimize manufacturing processes, improve production efficiency, and ensure product quality. They use CAE for tasks such as process simulation, toolpath optimization, and virtual testing of manufacturing equipment.
Product Designers: Product designers use CAE software to validate and optimize design concepts, assess performance requirements, and identify design improvements. CAE helps designers ensure that products meet customer needs, performance specifications, and regulatory requirements.
Research and Development (R&D) Engineers: R&D engineers use CAE techniques to explore new technologies, develop innovative solutions, and solve complex engineering problems. CAE enables R&D teams to conduct virtual experiments, test hypotheses, and evaluate design alternatives before committing to physical prototypes.
Automotive Engineers: Automotive engineers apply CAE tools for vehicle design, crash simulation, aerodynamics analysis, and optimization of automotive systems and components. CAE plays a crucial role in improving vehicle safety, performance, and fuel efficiency.
Biomedical Engineers: Biomedical engineers use CAE software for modeling and simulation of biological systems, medical devices, and implants. CAE helps biomedical engineers design and optimize medical devices, prosthetics, and implants for improved patient outcomes.

Everything you need to know about Computer-Aided Engineering

Computer-aided engineering

What is Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)?

Computer-aided engineering (CAE) Computer-aided engineering (CAE) is the method of using computers in design, analysis, and manufacturing of a product, process, or project. CAE relates to most elements of CADD in the industry. CAE is often recognized as the umbrella discipline that involves several computer-aided technologies including but not limited to, CAD, computer-aided industrial design (CAID), CAD/CAM, CNC, CIM, and PDM, plus the Internet and other technologies to collaborate on projects. CAE often focuses on mechanical design and product development automation. Some of the most familiar elements of CAE are surface and solid modeling and the simulation, analysis, testing, and optimization of mechanical structures and systems using digital prototypes. FEA is a process often associated with CAE. The figure shows a 3-D solid model being subjected to simulated tests and stress analysis.



Animations(b) Animations(c) Animation is the process of making drawings or models move and change according to a sequence of predefined images. Computer animations are made by defining, or recording, a series of still images in various positions of incremental movement; when played back, the series no longer appears as static images but as an unbroken motion. Figure provides an example of three images taken from an animation of a solid model assembly process. Based on the still images shown, try to imagine what the complete animation looks like as the components come together to build the assembly. Animation is a broad topic with a variety of applications for different requirements, including engineering, education, and entertainment.

  • Engineering Animations

Engineering Animations(a)
Engineering Animations(b)

Engineering Animations (c) Animations are a basic element of product design and analysis, and they are often useful for other stages of the engineering design process. Animations help explain and show designs in ways that 2-D drawings and motionless 3-D models cannot. Companies often use animations to analyze product functions, explore alternative designs and concepts, and effectively communicate design ideas to customers. For example, moving, dragging, or driving solid model parts and subassemblies is an effective way to explore the motion and relationship of assembly components. The figure shows still images from an animation of an engine crankshaft and pistons. The animation helps designers understand how components move and function, and it is used for analysis and simulation, such as to detect interference between components and evaluate stresses.

Inverse Kinematics (a)
Inverse Kinematics (b)
Inverse Kinematics (c)

Inverse kinematics (IK) is a method used to control how solid objects move in an assembly. IK joins solid objects together using natural links or joints such as that illustrated in the sequence of frames of the universal joint shown in Figure; for example, IK relationships can lock the rotation of an object around one particular axis. Adding this type of information allows the solid assembly to move as the finished product moves. IK is used extensively to animate human and mechanical joint movements. Building and simulating an IK model involves a number of steps, including:

  • Building a solid model of each jointed component.
  • Linking the solid model together by defining the joints.
  • Defining the joint behaviour at each point, such as the direction of rotation.
  • Animating the IK assembly using an animation sequence.
  • E-Learning Animations

Computer animations are a great tool for educators. Teachers and trainers create e-learning animations that can be used as an additional learning tool in the classroom or as an online or distance-learning presentation. Many companies and agencies use animations and simulations as an important part of their training routines. Examples of e-learning animations include corporate and military training activities, repair procedures, and complex simulations. For example, Figure shows still images taken from a full-length video of the assembly and disassembly of a product, which is an impressive tool for training assembly workers.

  • Entertainment

Entertainment is a well-known application for computer animations. The movie and television industries use computer animations heavily to add visual effects. In fact, some animated movies and television programs are created entirely using computer animation technology. Animations also provide the foundation for developing computer and video games. The increasing complexity of computer animation is resulting in video games that are more realistic and more exciting than ever before.

  • Animation Techniques

Animations can range from the simple movement of solid model components in an assembly to large-scale videos or presentations with dialogue, music, and a variety of graphics. Many CADD programs, especially parametric solid modelling software, contain tools and options that allow you to generate basic animations. Other systems, such as Autodesk 3ds Max & VIZ contain advanced animation tools that let you render solid models into very realistic 3-D motion simulations. Designated animation programs like Autodesk Maya and Maxon Cinema 4D are typically used for e-learning projects, films, and games. These programs are designed explicitly for realistic animations, renders, character creation, and rigging. Animators commonly import CADD models into animation software, sometimes removing unnecessary engineering data to allow for practical and smooth animation. However, re-creating models in the animation software is often more efficient for better animation or rendering. It is always a good idea to do some pre-production work before you record an animation.

  • Storyboarding

Storyboarding is a process by which you sketch out the key events of the animation. These sketches help ensure that key scenes are included to complete the story or demonstration. Video producers use storyboarding to preplan their production to help reduce costly studio editing time. Advanced rendering can take days to complete even on a high-speed computer.

If scenes are left out of the animation, then the animation has to be redone, costing significant time and money. Renderings, like video productions, are different from live-action film productions where improvising takes place. Improvising does not occur during animation rendering, and therefore it must be precisely planned. When storyboarding an animation, keep the focus on your audience. This focus should include the overall length of the animation, key points that must be demonstrated, and how these key points are to be best illustrated. Storyboarding is a simple process that can be done on note cards or plain paper. Include sketches of the key scenes that show how these events should be illustrated and the time allotted for each.

Most rendering software allows you to preview the animation sequences before rendering is executed. This feature is a good way to verify that an animation meets your expectations. When finished, select a rendering output file format and instruct the software to render your animation to a file. Animation software renders to a number of different file formats that allow for convenient playback.

Common file formats are

  • AVI
  • MPEG
  • QuickTime
  • WAV

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What is the role of CAE engineer?

CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software can generally be categorized into two main types based on their approach to modeling and design:
Parametric CAD Software: Parametric CAD software uses mathematical parameters and constraints to define the geometry of models. Users create features and components by specifying dimensions, relationships, and constraints, which are then used to generate the geometry. Parametric modeling allows for precise control over the design and facilitates making changes and updates by maintaining relationships between different elements of the model. Examples of parametric CAD software include SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, CATIA, and PTC Creo.

Direct Modeling CAD Software: Direct modeling CAD software, also known as explicit modeling or non-parametric modeling, allows users to manipulate geometry directly without relying on predefined parameters or constraints. With direct modeling, users can push, pull, and edit geometry intuitively, making it well-suited for quick concept modeling and making modifications to existing designs. Direct modeling software is often used in industries where flexibility and speed are prioritized over strict control over design parameters. Examples of direct modeling CAD software include Autodesk Fusion 360, Rhino 3D (Rhinoceros), and Siemens NX.
These two types of CAD software each have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them often depends on the specific needs of the user and the requirements of the project. Some CAD software packages incorporate elements of both parametric and direct modeling approaches to offer users flexibility and versatility in their design workflows.

What is the benefit of CAE?

Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) offers several benefits throughout the product development lifecycle:

Cost Reduction: CAE allows for virtual testing and analysis, reducing the need for physical prototypes and expensive testing equipment. By catching design flaws and optimizing performance early in the design process, CAE helps prevent costly errors and redesigns later on.
Faster Time to Market: CAE enables engineers to iterate and refine designs more quickly than traditional methods. By simulating and evaluating multiple design variations rapidly, CAE accelerates the design optimization process, leading to shorter development cycles and faster time to market.

Improved Product Performance: CAE tools provide insights into how a product will perform under various operating conditions, allowing engineers to optimize designs for performance, efficiency, and reliability. By predicting and addressing potential issues early in the design phase, CAE helps ensure that products meet or exceed performance requirements.

Enhanced Innovation: CAE facilitates exploration of innovative design concepts and novel solutions by providing a platform for virtual experimentation and testing. Engineers can push the boundaries of traditional design approaches and explore new ideas without the constraints of physical prototyping.

Risk Mitigation: CAE enables engineers to identify and mitigate risks associated with product design and performance early in the development process. By simulating real-world conditions and evaluating the effects of design changes, CAE helps minimize the likelihood of product failures, recalls, and warranty issues.

Optimized Design for Manufacturing: CAE tools can be used to analyze manufacturing processes and identify opportunities for optimization. By simulating manufacturing operations and assessing factors such as material flow, tooling, and assembly processes, CAE helps engineers design products that are easier and more cost-effective to manufacture.

Environmental Impact Reduction: CAE allows engineers to evaluate the environmental impact of product designs, including factors such as energy consumption, emissions, and recyclability. By optimizing designs for sustainability and efficiency, CAE contributes to reducing the environmental footprint of products and processes.






If you are in the designing and drafting industry, you must know that CAD software is the backbone of this vast field. Computer-aided design and Drafting have changed the picture of the designing world for all architects and engineers. You can now design in an automated manner that earlier used to be manual. CAD software has made life easier with the options to maximize efficiency by drafting construction documentation, exploring new design ideas, visualizing various concepts through photorealistic rendering, and simulating the performance of products and projects in the real world. The features of CAD software allow you to create, design, and print 3D models, but what holds most designers back is the cost of CAD programs. To make your life easy, we have listed down a number of CAD software here that are totally free for you to use anywhere, anytime!


FreeCAD as the name says it all, is free CAD software which is not only open source but is also flexible. Having an open-source code allows you to use it without worrying about violating the copyright. This parametric, 3D modeller can read files in numerous file formats and is best for Linux users. Mechanical engineers around the globe trust FreeCAD for creating 3D projects because of the comprehensive tools it offers. Tools like fine element analysis, product design and robot simulation modules make it the go-to program for every designer. Although the interface of FreeCAD is complex, its growing community consists of experts who can help you design easily and keep the software up to date.


LibreCAD is another free, open-source CAD software that gives you the opportunity to draft and design 2D plus 3D models. It can be used for personal as well as commercial use, as the vast toolbox gives you the leverage to elaborate your drawing, use raytracing for rendering and analysis, practice layer measurements inside your drawing, etc. This software has a customizable interface that is flexible and user-friendly.


Moreover, QCAD which is a free 2D drawing software, is very similar to AutoCAD. It should suit you best for architecture projects; create and develop technical drawings, schematics, diagrams and blueprints with it efficiently. Like QCAD, there’s a software called “DraftSight” which has comparable functions. This 2D CAD program is particularly used by engineers, architects and designers because you can easily create, edit, view and review any DWG file in it without compromising on your speed, efficiency and ease of adjustment. It has a super easy-to-learn interface, and users love its free as well as the paid version.


Other popular software includesSolve Space, “eMachine Shop”, and “Heeks CAD”. “Solve Space” is a parametric 3D model program that makes the modification of dimensions and shapes stress-free. “eMachine Shop” is practised in professional settings as it analyzes the design critically and points the probability and possibility of impractical shapes in your design. Likewise, “HeeksCAD” is used by mechanical engineers for 3D solid modelling. All of these programs help bring your designs to life!


NanoCAD is also free software, valued by a number of designers far and wide. It suits well to experienced users who understand advanced 2D and 3D functionality and CAD tools. The interface is relatively easy to use and the software stays up to date as it is highly competitive. One of the benefits of this program is that it supports automation features which make it easy to transfer drafts and documentations from app to database. However, you would need a powerful machine to render the designs afterwards.


In addition, OpenSCAD is intuitive software that uses textual description language to create 3D CAD objects. It works on the principles of Constructive Solid Geometry(CSG). This software is the best fit for designing simple shapes and is extremely developer-centric because of its easy user interface.


A few other software that you can use free of cost are “BlocksCAD”, “LeoCAD”, “K-3D”, and “3D-Crafter”. “BlocksCAD” was developed for educational purposes, and it has a block-based interface. This cloud-based software has computation thinking and the concept of coding at its foundation. Cloud-based software helps retain the data without losing any progression. Similarly, “LeoCAD” was also formed for educational purposes. It helps build virtual designs using LEGO Bricks. LeoCAD is extremely resourceful for beginners because of its interface and open-source coding.”K-3D” is also an ingenious, flexible, and open-source program that allows you to create 3D models and animations for free. The undo/redo system shortens the span of revisions and helps retain the data effectively. It is a greatly artist-oriented program, and features like parametric workflow and visualization make it perfect for architectural design.


Additionally, significant CAD software is On Shape! It is cloud-based, which allows one to pace up the business’s product development process. You can make 2D and 3D designs on this platform. Use it to create complex solid and surface models just from a browser since this software does not require powerful hardware for it to run. What’s the catch? Everything is auto-saved, so you literally don’t lose any data. Furthermore, its robust revision features protect your business against any sort of data loss. That’s not all about the program; it has other useful and effective designing tools like parts, assemblies and drawings that make this software popular. Other features like release management, workflow management, and real-time collaboration tools make it a personal choice for a lot of designers.

“Sketchup” is also free CAD software that architects use for designing infrastructure. For advanced tools, one needs to use the paid version, which is a premium version of Sketchup. “TinkerCAD” is free as well; it has a friendly interface and is packed with abundant educational resources for beginners. With this software, you can design, program, and simulate 3D models. For the ease of designers, it can also be connected directly to a 3D printer.


So, which free CAD software are you inclined to use in the future?

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